If you have had an accident recently you may be eligible for compensation. However, you may be unsure and in the light of many unscrupulous companies that have cashed in on the compensation culture, without responsibility to the claimant, feel reluctant to investigate further.
You can be assured of sound advice from Rich & Carr Solicitors. Our expert personal injury team of lawyers will be happy to consider your accident – free of charge – and give you an honest opinion if you have a claim to pursue. Your accident should have taken place within the last three years and not be your fault. It could have been on the road, at work or elsewhere – but it is worth finding out if you are entitled to compensation.
Our solicitors have specialist expertise across a wide range of different types of accident or injury, including road traffic accidents, workplace accidents, tripping accidents, assault claims, accidents in the home, and holiday accidents.
In addition, we are highly skilled in pursuing claims for medical negligence where medical or dental malpractice has led to unreasonable suffering or to a debilitating medical condition.